Let me introduce myself

College student. Loves to love the earth, the animals, and the people. Highly inspired by scriptures and quotes. I am not an expert at anything.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Rest with a King

Love letter, deep soulful red clay.
Stares of a king-
Lay my weight against you.
The pounds of worries, leave no dents today.
Let in, deep breaths
Sleepy worries, sleeps away
Sweet conversation, wisdom for the sick
Depending fully,
Dangerous sharp and loud.
Trust is no issue, just a leap.
To lean against the lion.

Note: First time in a long time jumping back in. This is a nice little warm up for me. My style has changed a bit. I use less filler words. However, I feel that I still use that same heavy thick style. Like peanut butter. As a challenge, I'll try to write something light and fluffy soon. I will most likely be back quite a few times to diddle with this lion poem. So check back.

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